SINTEL was a subsidiary of Research Machines setup to raise income for the further development of machines for research like their original device for measuring the brainwaves of sleeping rats*
SINTEL came along in 1974 selling components and kits and was by their own account 'quite successful'
They formed a symbiotic relationship with hobbyist magazines like Everyday Electronics and Practical Electronics whereby Sintel produced editorial content for the magazine and in return they could sell the component kits. It also further developed their customer base for component sales.
*Automated analysis of sleep in the rat (July 1977)

Wireless World August 1977

Wireless World April 1977

Wireless World November 1978 |

Wireless World September 1978 |

Wireless World June 1977 |
Advanced Clock Kit
Complete Kit including attractive
slim case with deep red perspex
panel for 6 digit Alarm Clock with
bleep alarm, snooze, automatic
intensity control and high brightness
thyristor display |
...Interesting to note that the earliest editorial in Everyday Electronics is authored by P.J.Fischer, unlike the others being Mike Fischer, was this a nom de plume? |